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Garage Door Remote

Garage Door Remote

We offer emergency garage door remote clicker repair services

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Garage Door Openers

Garage Door Openers

The opener is used to open and shut the garage door automatically instead of manually. Count on us to install, repair and maintain your opener regardless of its brand, year or make.

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Garage Door Company

Garage Door Company

We fix garage door problems with emergency repairs and thorough maintenance

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We checked the springs the very same day

We were just finishing our job at a client's house when we got a call from the office telling us to go to a house nearby to measure garage door springs. The customer reported that the springs were broken and he didn't know what to do or which ones should be ordered. He didn't know the size of his garage door or any other information and so we had to pass by in order to check these details ourselves. His name was Brown, John Brown and he did live not far away from where we were. So, it didn't take us more than ten minutes to get there. When he saw us, he couldn’t hide his surprise. He said that our arrival was so quick, he couldn't believe it.

We quickly explained that we were close by and he laughed saying that he admired our honesty. Anyway, we did check the extension garage door springs and indeed one of them was broken. So, we took our tools out and had them measured in just minutes. We also took a look at the door and its characteristics in order to be sure Mr. Brown had the right springs installed. We know from experience that sometimes customers order the wrong springs for their garage door since they don't know that they have to match the requirements of the door in terms of its weight. When this happens, springs do not have the same strengths for long.

Rely on Our Contractor for Garage Door Replacement, Installation and Services

Mr. Brown had the right springs. Though, we knew that without them he wouldn't open the door. He reassured us that he didn't mind. It was already mid-day and he wasn't planning to go anywhere, but we knew that something urgent with his family would require the use of his car. So, we called the office to get the new springs and promised our client to be back in a few hours to have them replaced. We also suggested replacing both of them so that he wouldn't have the same problem a few weeks later. If one of them is changed but not the other, there is a difference among their power and they don't work equally well at both sides of the door. Three hours later, the springs had been replaced and the balance of the door had been checked and adjusted. Mr. Brown couldn't thank us enough, but we just wanted to do our job right.

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